What is fsxNet?

Bunker 3 is a member of the world-wide network of computer bulletin boards called fsxNet.
fsxNet is a fun, simple and experimental Echomail network established in late 2015. What is Echomail?
Think of Echomail as public message bases, shared between fsxNet member bulletin boards. Messages
posted on one of the bulletin boards go back and forth to every other bulletin board in the network.

Members are actively encouraged to be creative in their use of the network. fsxNet contains a number
of Echomail message areas that you can configure your BBS to take part in. A limited number of message
areas and file bases are used. Technologies covered by the network include (but are not limited to)
BBSing, ANSI art, Amateur (HAM) Radio, Retro / Vintage Computers & Gaming, FTN communications,
network protocols & topologies, encryption methods, contemporary computers (e.g. Raspberry Pi),
computer coding and more. fsxNet sees a number of messages posted to it every week. It is an active
support network for several developers of BBS software spanning BBS systems, door games and more.

fsxNet is not an invite-only closed network, rather it is an open community and everyone who wishes to
join is welcome. Do you find it fun to learn about and use retro computing technologies? Would you like
to be part of a group that enjoys experimenting and developing those technologies further? If the
answer is yes, then we invite you to join us :)

Visit the official fsxNet web site, run by Avon in New Zealand:  https://fsxnet.nz/